ab – Talmud Thinking Process

Well-Being for All (wb4all) “Meta-Church”

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This page is under construction (the “ab -” in the page title is just to get it to be at the top with the “aa -” page, T.O.C.)

The Jewish Talmud Thinking Process, along with the Theory of Constraints (T.O.C.), form the heart of the third principle or pillar of this meta-church that the supreme being (voice of the universe, often called by the Germanic word given to him, “God”) asked me to form.  That third principle or pillar is a high-quality thinking process to adapt reported past direct communications from the supreme being of the universe  and current communications from “him” to current circumstances.

The other two pillars or principles are (1) everyone should strive to be in direct communication with God and not leave it to others to be “prophets” and (2) God’s will is and everyone’s and every organization’s and all of humanity’s goal should be well-being for all (wb4all).  That means, among a lot of other things, to keep a lid on competition and manage it in ways what support well-being for all.

What follows is a discussion with a friend on Facebook about the brilliant Jewish Talmud Thinking Process.

Here’s excerpts from a discussion about Talmud thinking process with a friend on Facebook:

Tom McMullen

i’m working on my website for my church.  i’m going to take the church-forming as far as eyesight, health, and circumstances will allow.  in a way new and … hold on, a chat window just flew across my screen.  i guess my updating stuff in my “about” section got listed in people’s notifications … oh funny, she’s calling herself princess lol


Responds (I’m keeping the name and comments of my friend private)

Tom McMullen

Hmm … Talmud thinking process, along with something called T.O.C. thinking process, is one of 3 central parts of my new church.  I think anyone who wants to understand the world needs to understand how the Talmud process produces doctor degree minds in 13 years olds during “hebrew school” (not just language school by a mile) and in bat and bar mitzvah processes and then deepens it over the years with additional study.  i wrote something clear for [mutual friend].  i’ll try to find and paste it to you here.  have another link too i was just working on.  more in a little.  name of the place for din din sounded cool.  bourbon something.  couldn’t get photo to show.  i’ll try again.



Tom McMullen

yeah.  do.  i really believe anybody not understanding talmud process including structure of talmud page is missing something akin to understanding role of i don’t know something big like democracy



Tom McMullen

link to church website wb4all church website



Tom McMullen

the link to the letter i just sent puts the talmud process in perspective of the overall church.  but i wrote something really good and clear and more detailed for [mutual friend]  in chat.  i’ll look for it



Tom McMullen

For two summers I trained Hebrew college students to be …… instructors at …….. summer camps in […….]. There was something about those young people that was very special, so I’m curious to see more of your thoughts.



Tom McMullen

Not all the jewish kids take their talmud studies seriously, but the ones who do have doctoral degree minds at age 13.  and not low qual dr degree; high qual ivy oxford stuff.  it will be become obvious why when we’ve gotten thru this discussion

 first jewish law starts with the first five books of the bible.  they call it the torah.  but that was then and something like 1st century BC or AD or i forget, not matter exactly when, things were diff than 3000 or 5000 bc or so.  what to do?



Tom McMullen

first, speculate that a revised law from God will be called the mishnah.  so the first thing to know is that the Talmud thinking and study process gets the jewish talmud student to more modern mishnah law without losing any legitimacy of directly communicated moses and aaron torah law


responds (I’m keeping her name and comments private)

Tom McMullen

in other words, in short, the talmud thinking process gets us from torah to mishnah

even some jews i’ve met and know didn’t know that

so we’re into talmud like i was into figuring out formal scorekeeping and triple plays 🙂  funny, but true.  that’s how i’ve learned throughout my adult life.  stayed with something until i had it nailed.  more talmud …



Tom McMullen

a set of talmud books is a shelf of books.  each page, has the same structure.  each page has three columns.  at the top of each middle column …


responds (I’m keeping her name and comments private)

Tom McMullen


 at the top of every talmud page
 in the middle of three columns is a little nugget, a box of mishnah law.  all the rest of the page is dedicated to generations of rabbinic commentators
 debating thru the centuries about why that mishnah nugget is or isn’t valid for more modern times given , oh a lot of things , torah references, other commentators


responds “This is also one of the things he was explaining- how scholars interpret and expand on “scripture” over the years to keep it relevant.”

Tom McMullen

yes.  among the interesting things about the structure of EVERY talmud page is that the various categories of major commentators over the centuries …


responds “This is also one of the things he was explaining- how scholars interpret and expand on “scripture” over the years to keep it relevant.”

Tom McMullen

on each talmud page the major categories of rabbinnic commentators — amora, tanna, a brilliant and concise and artistic summarizer named Rashi, and a few of Rashi’s relatives have *specific* places on the page



Tom McMullen

this is amazing.  so each time anyone talmud studier comes to any page of talmud, he/she gets centuries of wise, clever, analytical, scriptural, and anecdotal cultural discussion that relates torah to later mishnah.  brilliant.  do that a few years from age 7 to 13 and see what happens to a mind.  do that for the rest of your life and see what happens to global competitiveness in every area of life that matters.



Tom McMullen

see why i say to not understand talmud process, page structure, and study is to not understand how the world is, works, and why?

 probably should let you get some sleep
 good closure / stopping point



Tom McMullen

there is a lot to know about the jewish world, and most of it i don’t know, but i believe i just gave you, not the 80/20 rule important part, but the 1%/99% rule part.  the talmud and its process are the most important thing to know and admire, in my view, about the impressive folks called the jews.  three jews stand out in my development — admiral hyman rickover, werner erhard, and dr. eliyahu m goldratt (israeli physicist and talmud student and creator of something i’ll tell you about sometime called the Theory of Constraints T.O.C.  I wrote a really good book about it in 1998.  i’lll give you a link to it before we close.


responds (I’m keeping her name and comments private)

Tom McMullen



Sometimes I channel spirits onto Facebook, by the way.  All the ancient eternal spirits — God, Old Trees Michael, Satan, and all the rest — are totally up-to-date on technology including social media.  It sounds sort of funny, if they exist — and they do — why wouldn’t they be up-to-date?

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