Paradise Regained

 Well-Being for All (wb4all) Meta-Church

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Paradise Regained – is the state of the world in which many, ideally everyone, is in easy natural direct 2-way verbal (words) communication again with God like Adam and Eve (symbolizing all men and women) were in their time.

Below is a Theory of Constraints (T.O.C.) Transition Logic Tree — for the Transition of Humanity from the “Paradise” condition (vs. physical place) of ancient times (in which Adam and Eve, symbolizing everyone at the time, reportedly, in the Bible, communicated directly with God) to a state I’m calling “Paradise Regained” (in which everyone again has 2-way verbal direct communication with the Voice of the Universe, votu/”God” again as I do now):

Click image for larger image.   This is a Theory of Constraints (T.O.C.) Transition Logic Tree for the transition of Humanity FROM the original condition of Paradise, THROUGH the losing of direct contact with God due to Satan's actions, TO "Paradise Regained" at some time in the future.  With Step 4 being a very important transition phase.

Click image for larger image.
This is a Theory of Constraints (T.O.C.) Transition Logic Tree for the transition of Humanity FROM the original condition of Paradise, THROUGH the losing of direct contact with God due to Satan’s actions, TO “Paradise Regained” at some time in the future. With Step 4 being a very important transition phase.

Regarding box 4. Serious Belief in an Eternal Afterlife and in Good Spirits’ Control of It in Individual Cases – This can and probably will happen before box 5’s “everyone in direct communication” condition.  It can happen when only one, or a few, or many people are honestly reporting direct 2-way communication with the supreme being in the universe.  This condition, however, creates a huge force that removes stuck difficult military, diplomatic, economic, ethnic, population, resource allocation, and other “impossible” obstacles to “ideal,” but now realistic solutions

Box 5:  Paradise Regained

Restoring the state Adam and Eve were in, as is clear in the Bible story.  That’s in direct 2-way communication with God.

(Even if it were not clear in the Bible story that has been passed down to us, God tells us people at that time, before Satan did some things, were in direct communication with God.)

In other words, all men and women (all the human race), symbolized by Adam and Eve, were at that time in direct communication with God.  Then, due to Satan’s workings, only people we call “prophets” have been in direct communication with God.

Today, I’m in direct communication and being asked to tell people (1) that they should try to be in direct communication with God and (2) that everyone will eventually be in direct communication with God.

So, eventually, all people are back to being in direct 2-way verbal communication with God.

That’s what we’re calling, Paradise Regained.

There’s another aspect to it that has to do with God’s statement that the issue of the tree in the Adam and Eve story was passed down incorrectly.  More later on that.

Basically, Satan interfered with the story’s recording in writing in order to interfere with the influence of a certain powerful good spirit who was allied with God.  Did you ever wonder, when reading the story of Adam and Eve, why God would say something like, “Don’t eat the apples from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?”  Why prohibit getting influence along the lines of being able to distinguish between good and evil.  I did for years.  In recent years, God and the good angel Michael Old Trees told me why that part of the story didn’t ever make sense to me.  Because it was wrong.  It was a part of Satan’s famous historic rebellion that he used his power (will, intention, power, magic) to block communication with God and his power and trickery to cut off people from communication, relationship, and advice on good and evil from the powerful good spirit, Michael Old Trees.

In other words, the Paradise Regained part of God’s will is both (1) returning to everyone in easy direct 2-way communication with God like Adam and Eve were (and I’ve been in recent months) and (2) all people regain their natural ability to experience and communicate directly with other spirits, including tree spirits, including Michael Old Trees.  (See glossary for discussion of Michael Old Trees’ nature and names)

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